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Showing posts from September, 2019

Time Strategies

With limit time on our hands, it's a good idea to strategics. Honestly, I'm a mix bag when it comes to time management, on one hand I know how to mange my time because I taught how to in school due to my dyslexia and on the other I usually leave everything to the last minute before it's due. Thankfully, I've been trying to do better with time management and I think I'm improving ? I try to get bits and pieces done. Plan when I'm gonna do the work and etc. A meme about time management, found it  here I did however read some recommended articles, two be exact, the first being this  one . I found none of the tips really that useful, I feel the last one was really obvious, when to say no, I know how to the say no and when to say. The second one that I read is this  one , I actually found this one more useful and more interesting as it mention what researchers had found. I also do a lot of these actions myself to make work easier like saying that I'll re...

Technology and Me

Today, I'm going to talk about technology, some of the tools I'm use or going to start using. Confession time: I use bookmarks way too much, like I have three pages of bookmarks on Google Chrome and most I don't even use anymore. So, I know how to bookmark, add folders to bookmark, I learn how to do it by accident, know how to get rid of them and all ! Probably the google app I use the most, apart from YouTube and maybe gmail, is Google Doc. Right now, I have use it for a little over a year and I'm actually have it open as I typed this ! So I'm conformable with both Google Doc and Bookmarks. A meme about Google Doc, Founded from  Here Since I've used Photo-shop before and I use paint (yes, Microsoft paint.) to edit image, I feel comfortable enough with editing images for this. Really the only tools I've never used before is Pad-let, WordPress and graphics creation, so I more nervous for them. Honestly this is very different from different class...

Thoughts on the Assignment

I recently got an assignment and I have a few thoughts on it. The bit of the assignment that I'm most excited about is the unity-3D tutorial, I have unity on my laptop and was learning about gaming making before but it was 2D. Also the unity I had is now out-of-date and won't open for me. I know whatever my first 3D game is, it's going to be horrible and buggy but that's okay. None of 2D game even work so having this one actually work is a improvement in my eyes. I'm not sure how I feel about the reading, I've written academic essay before about readings but I don't like writing them, I find them very boring to write but I think most people do and since we have to them maybe it won't be so bad ? I don't know how to feel about the blog commenting, on one hand it's a good idea we get to see other people's work and how all of us can improved. On the other hand however, it doesn't sound very interesting and I don't know how people ...

The Growth Mindset

So I recently just learned of the Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck, I've never heard of The Growth Mindset or Carol Dweck. I watched two videos about the Growth Mindset on YouTube. It's interesting to me because I'm dyslexic, so my experience with school is failing and when I was in primary school fail all time, I was the child who stay inside because I couldn't do me homework. Probably why I never cared about my grades, what teachers said about it and only focus on my dream: to get into college. Yep, that was my dream, now it's 'make my story idea into an actual story' I remember when My Primary School principal told me I would never get accepted into any Secondary School, joke on her, I'm in University now ! It also interesting to me because I work with kids in scouts, i remember we went on a hike with Cubs in Claire and some of the Cubs moan all the way up. However some didn't, they just did the hike and didn't moan. It's funny beca...

Introduction to Me, Myself and I

Hello, I'm Sarah and this my introduction post ! Here's bit of information about me: I live in Dublin, in Ireland and I've live there all my life. I mainly listen to Metal, currently I've been listening to Slipknot newest Album 'We are not your Kind' also known as Vol 6.. If you want a taste of Slipknot, here's a link to 'Unsainted' which is the first song (not counting the intro) on their new album. For Hobbies, I usually write, I've been practising writing over the summer and I think I'm getting better, My English has certainly improved. I'm also a Cub Scout Leader, so I go away on trip with the Cubs, Scouts and Ventures. This year I went away to County Claire and Holland with the Scouts. County Claire in June 2019, Taken by Me while hiking with the Cubs. I really like travelling around, especially with my camera, my Nikon D5100 with a standard 18-55mm lens and I since I'm studying photography in college I got put in...


This workshop was called: 'How do Traffic lights work'. How it works is simple: Your get into pairs, you and your mate try to figure out how traffic lights work. Simple, right ? My Experience:  Me and My panther went to work straight away. We approach it from the driver's perceptive, which wasn't wrong but everyone else took it from the traffic light perceptive. We drew out a diagram, to explain how we think traffic lights work. The diagram we drew to explain how traffic lights work, taken by me. The topic was entirely new, I've done stuff like this before, like the building a Lego man workshop but not this specific workshop. The learning outcome was that even something so simple that we see everyday like a traffic light, we still can't explained it or we make our explanation to complex. It was a lesson I learnt years ago but it's good to be reminded of these things, especially learning it in a different way. How It Was Delivered:  Overa...

My Favourite Game

Original Cover of Bioshock 2,  Wikipedia If there's one game I've played more times then I can count and enjoyed every time that I do then it would be Bioshock 2. I love the Bioshock series so much, that I have all of  the games on both Xbox360 and the remake version, Bioshock The Collection on Ps4. For this, I'm only discussing the original Version of Bioshock 2, not the remake, Bioshock 1 or the sort of prequel Bioshock Infinite. Since while I love those game, Bioshock 2 is my favorite in the series and it doesn't get that much love from fans of the series because it was not made by Irrational Games. One of the biggest parts of  The Bioshock series is it's story, in Bioshock 2 you play as Subject Delta, an alpha series Big Daddy who is bonded to a single little sister, Eleanor Lamb. The two get along very well but it turns out Eleanor's mother is Sofia Lamb, who is in opposition to Andrew Ryan (Bioshock 1 main Villain and Creator of Rapture) and she ...