With limit time on our hands, it's a good idea to strategics. Honestly, I'm a mix bag when it comes to time management, on one hand I know how to mange my time because I taught how to in school due to my dyslexia and on the other I usually leave everything to the last minute before it's due. Thankfully, I've been trying to do better with time management and I think I'm improving ? I try to get bits and pieces done. Plan when I'm gonna do the work and etc. A meme about time management, found it here I did however read some recommended articles, two be exact, the first being this one . I found none of the tips really that useful, I feel the last one was really obvious, when to say no, I know how to the say no and when to say. The second one that I read is this one , I actually found this one more useful and more interesting as it mention what researchers had found. I also do a lot of these actions myself to make work easier like saying that I'll re...