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Introduction to Me, Myself and I

Hello, I'm Sarah and this my introduction post !

Here's bit of information about me:

I live in Dublin, in Ireland and I've live there all my life.

I mainly listen to Metal, currently I've been listening to Slipknot newest Album 'We are not your Kind' also known as Vol 6.. If you want a taste of Slipknot, here's a link to 'Unsainted' which is the first song (not counting the intro) on their new album.

For Hobbies, I usually write, I've been practising writing over the summer and I think I'm getting better, My English has certainly improved. I'm also a Cub Scout Leader, so I go away on trip with the Cubs, Scouts and Ventures. This year I went away to County Claire and Holland with the Scouts.

County Claire in June 2019, Taken by Me while hiking with the Cubs.
I really like travelling around, especially with my camera, my Nikon D5100 with a standard 18-55mm lens and I since I'm studying photography in college I got put in charge of photography for all trips. So I guess Photography is another hobby I do ? Though compare to the others, I don't do it often.

Rotterdam Beach August 2019, Taken by Me when the Scouts and Ventures were swimming

I would like to learn to play an instrument, I did play the guitar for a bit and I was good at it. Maybe I'll go back to guitar or play bass instead ? I don't know, need to think about it.

When I'm not in scouts, writing or doing photography. I'm usually with my pets, I currently have 2 pets; Maxi and Trisha. They're brother and Sister, both born at the same time.

Maxi age 5 next to My brother, taken by me.

Trisha age 5, Taken by me.
My favourite TV show is 'No Offense', it's a great show but Channel 4 hasn't been airing re-runs and I hope it gets a 4th series. I don't really go to the cinema even though there one next to me but I guess the best film I've seen recently is 'Steven Universe: The Movie'. It's just a really fun film, even explains everything you need to know so even if you never watch the show you can still watch the film and know what's going on.


  1. Hi Sarah :)

    I loved reading your blog, so many things I didn't know, like that your a cub scout leader, that's really cool, I use to be in the scouts myself.

    Another thing I really liked is that you added a music video of your favorite song, I never even thought of that! Your pictures are also really good, that one from Clare looks fab.

    I'm really looking forward to reading more of your blog in the future.

    1. Hi liz ! Thanks so much for the comment, can't wait to read your blog :)

  2. Hi Sarah I really enjoyed reading your blog, I learned about you being a club scout leader from your presentation the other day but it was good to know more about it! :)

  3. Hey Sarah,
    I enjoyed reading your blog I also love travelling and I also like photography myself I also loved seeing pictures of your cats there really cute I already knew you were a scouts leader hope the kids are not too annoying hhahah anyway I will leave it there hope to read more from you soon.
    - Jennifer :)

  4. Heya Sarah!
    I used to listen to soo much metal too. I highly recommend Turmion Kätilöt and even though they mainly sing in Finnish I still like them. ( is a really good song). I didn't know scouts were a thing in Ireland! That's pretty cool. As for your cats, they're very handsome, please tell them that.
    Pawel signing off

  5. Hello Sarah, I enjoyed reading your introduction. I too love Slipknot and consider them a great band, my favorite album probably being Iowa but I do love all of them regardless. I find it interesting you are now in charge of taking photos for your camping group as well as learning all about your cats and information regarding them. I look forward to reading the rest of your blog.

  6. Hi Sarah,

    I felt like I learnt a lot about you in your introduction! I didnt know that you were a budding writer- if you ever publish some of your writing I'd love to have a read of it! I've been meaning to start writing and publishing it online myself. Like you, I too wish to play an instrument, particularly the piano or violin. I've heard all about your time as a Cub Leader but I find it really admirable and inspiring that you somehow make time for that on top of college work. You're an absolute trooper, Sarah.

    All the best!

    - Kay

  7. Hi Sarah

    I really enjoyed reading this introductory blog, as I feel I learned way more about you. I like that you are clearly passionate about scouts and wish I had the patience to be able to do that . I also know how You feel about wanting to learn an instrument as I currently have an epiphone guitar collecting dust in the corner f my room . Hopefully I can learn it closer to the summer. I look forward to reading more of these blogs in the future. Keep up the good work and all the best.


  8. Hey Sarah,

    I'm glad to see there's another person in the course that enjoys travelling, it's so refreshing discovering new places you haven't been to before isn't it?

    I'm also a fan of photography and have been nominated as the new family photographer since starting this course.

    Great blog and keep up the good work!



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