Hello and welcome to my blog. Yes today I'm gonna write a normal blog today and yes this is Sarah. Want proof ? Only Sarah P. A. Hammond could get a reaction off a pair of wish's sock and now has her feet in a bucket of water. What other idiot could do this ? Photo taken by me Anyway let's talk about writing the body, to be honest I didn't have a clue what to write, however I know from writing Fan fiction, just go with it, that writing isn't the important thing, it's editing that improves the work. If you think about how in film, you get footage but it just footage, you need to edited it, to turn it into a film and the same goes for writing. So I knew if I have something down instead of nothing then I could edit it later and make it better. Trust me here lads, you can tell a fan-fiction is bad when they clearly the writer didn't edited it and uploaded it straight away. Anyway I began to write, the only problem is, I couldn't stop ! I was on a ...