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Showing posts from October, 2019

Game Design Document

Hello ! Today I'm gonna talk about my Game Design Document, I used Dundoc to create my Game Design Document. I'm not fully ready yet, I still need to think about some elements but here is My Game Design Document! Story: Wetwood shopping center was a popular shopping center, selling many great products and being great place to hang out with friends. However after few years of success, Wetwood started to loose profits and this led to owners of Wetwood coming up with an idea. After a while, profits began to increase for the shopping center but people began to be afraid of the place, many of the shoppers acted strange, they would stay in the center. becoming angry when a product they want wasn't and even used violence.  Eventually only these shoppers continued to shop at the center as many people were afraid to even enter the center and this led to Wetwood closing down the center to save the company's image.  After a few years, You the player find the abandon ...

Feedback Strategies

Growth mindset, taken from  Tes In this blog I'm going to talk growth mindset again and feedback again. So I read two articles about this, the First being " Be A Mirror Give Readers Feedback That Fosters A Growth Mindset ", the article talks about how to give feedback to encourage a growth mindset, even giving five qualities: Be specific, focus on what the reader is doing, focus on the process, make sure it can transfer and finally take yourself out of the feedback.  The Article goes into detail, so I highly that if your interested, personally the idea of a growth mindset interests me, I grew up in a primary school that destroyed my confident and told me I wasn't going to be anything, yet here I am in my second year of University. I really want to try out the five qualities now! The second Articl e is " Preschoolers and Praise: What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow? ", this give article gives parents some tips on how encourage  a growth mindset in th...

Unity Tutorial 05

This Week on Unity Fucks-up or I did, I don't know/care anymore I just want to throw my laptop out the window  Tutorial, I FINALLY got to the recent tutorials ! Granted I did spend hours of repeating the same code over and over only for Unity to tell me "No Mono-behavior", with me screaming at the screen but hey, I did learn how to spell Rotate, so it was all worth it ? No it wasn't. I ain't bullshitting either, Proof taken by Me I mange to get all the way to tutorial #08 ! Axe swing and all is working ! No problems or anything ! Aren't you proud of me yet Dad ?!  As You can see I'm so happy that I finally caught up with the rest of the year. I feel this tutorial will help with my overall project, with weapons, being able to pick up objects and designing the world. Which is great, since now I have some of the tools to build my project game. Some people said they found this tutorials hard but personally I thought it was fine, things sounded ha...

Game GDD

This Week reading returns to the normal formula of the readings, this time an article titled "Design Considerations" by Greg Aleknevicus. Aleknevicus focuses on card games but many of his points are interesting when look at through the lens of Video Game designs. For Example, Aleknevicus bring up the point used of colour and contrast but, point out people who are colour blind who may not be able to see the colours. Video Games love to use colour to distinctest if a object  is safe, dangerous or about to kill you. Many Game developers have been looking it how to tackle this problem, For example "Far Cry 5" By Ubisoft, offers a Colourblind mode in it's option. Far Cry 5 Option, notice the Colourblind mode, taken by  PC Gamer One of the additional Reading, it's focus entirely on this topic done by the You Tube Channel Extra Credit, who talk about Game Design and how to improve it. In the video below, they recommend considering accessibility option earl...

Game Vision Statement

Vision, it's a powerful thing, I should know, I needed glasses and didn't know I needed them, Now I can't live without them. Anyway, that's not what I'm talking, today I'm gonna be talking about my game and how I envision it. First, My Game will be a first person Action-Adventure game with some debatable RPG elements, I say debatable because now of days many games have RPG mechanics but aren't really RPGs, for example is Far cry 5 an RPG because you get new skills and have an inventory ? The game is mostly based off, Terraria  so the gameplay is very similar to it, you'll need to collect certain items, build up your strength, get stronger and defeat bosses. The big difference is that my game is going to be in 3D while Terraria is a 2D game, I'm not sure in what way that will effect the gameplay as that can effect a game very badly, for example Mega-man X7   and I'll have to be careful not to fall into that "pit-fall" get it ? Aren...

Unity Tutorial 03

Okay So last week for my unity tutorial were a shit-show, who's wasn't ?  and I think one of my biggest problem was the coding no surprise there . The main reasoning being I couldn't use Visual Studio at all as I needed to pay for it, even though it's Visual Studio community and it's suppose to be free, so why do I have to paid to use it ?! , because of this I had to use Notepad++ and couldn't automatically update whenever I made tiny changes to the script. Thankfully I have finally resolved this issue with Visual Studio Code, VSC (Visual Studio Code) is a free coding program that allows you to use multiply languages, by download said languages via Visual Studio Code Marketplace and also the .NetCore, you'll be able to use it for C#. Also I changed the preferences so when I click on my scripts, it will now open VSC instead of Visual Studio Community and now I can edit my scripts much faster! Now on to the actual unity lab, so I heard that this lab was t...

Game Idea Research

Last week I talk about Games the ideas I like to do, after a bit more thinking, I think I know what idea I'm gonna do and I'm gonna talk about it in this blog. I think the game I would like to recreate is Terraria or at least the boss aspect about it. I started researching into how would I go about it, Luckily our good old friend Jimmy Vegas has videos about how to create an rpg and more importantly how to create Boss AI.  Jimmy Vegas' Video here.  This might be able to help me and since this part of a series, the whole series might be able to help ! I also looked into an inventory system for my games, I found a blog about how to add an inventory system, which you can read  Here . This will work well with my game, as it helps the player collect and keep items, so they can use them later. My last mechanic is to a combat system, I look up a tutorials but the weren't many for 3d, I did found this  One . Maybe Jimmy Vegas will have a tutorial on it, I'll need to l...

Game MDA

This Week's reading is different this week, being a video instead. An Video filled with information for 7 minutes. The Video explains the Formal "Game Consumption" Model and show a simple diagram. The Eight different kinds of Fun is an interesting idea, the eight different kinds of Fun are: 1.Sensation, 2.Fantasy, 3.Narrative, 4.Challenge, 5.Fellowship, 6. Discovery, 7.Expression and 8.Submission. The Eight kinds of fun makes sense as many games critics often describe a game as fun but not how or why. Models of Game Dynamics is a simple concept, being more analytical nature, with it's examples Random Variables and Feed-back System. A good example for both being the Xcom Enemy Unknown, the 2012 remake, which the shooting is through percentage and the player must manage the council as well. It be argue that one may not have to chose one over the other and instead both system working together similar to Xcom Enemy Unknown ? 2012 Xcom's shot Percentage, taken ...

Unity Tutorial 02

Screenshot of My unity Screen while trying to do Tutorial 4, taken by me. Today I learnt the most value lesson that a game developer ever learns, sometimes nothing works. So I had a accident with my script where I deleted it by accident, Now I was able to get it back but, for some reason Unity won't accept the script anymore and saying something about the Monobehaviour. I try to change the script but Unity still won't accept the script, the code is right but Unity saying it's incorrect. I've been trying for hours and can't get it to work. I decided to give up on it for now and try again. After all I falling asleep while writing this and I have even more work to do. Besides sometimes it's best to leave something and then come back to it. Apart from the coding and unity deciding to interact with each other just like my parents do, I like how there's a slow build up of code. It's getting us used to the code and hopefully getting us prep for what...

Game Elements

This week's reading was a follow up to last week's reading, this one titled "What are the Qualities of game ?". The reading focuses on how game designers can determine the qualities of a game, by critical analysis which is hugely important as it allows one to learn from others mistakes, as with the case with Telltales games going bankrupt, which left many wondering how and lend to a critical analysis of the now defunct company. The questions that the reading offer are very agreeable and understandable. All of the questions are relate and connected to the player which is hugely important. The reading states what is important to remember: said statement are completely agreeable however, a additional point that could be added is keeps a core idea of what players you wish to attract to the game as this is hugely important to the game. One statement that was raised and is important, as it could effect a game performance. The reading refer states "Analysing a g...

Feedback Thoughts

So recently I read two articles about feedback, so I thought I would give my feedback ! A meme about Feedback, taken from  Here The first article is called " A fixed Mindset could be holding you back  ", It's very interesting article and I couldn't help think about how video game tie into this. As when you died in video game or fail a mission, you're usually encourage by game or by yourself to try again. This makes you think about different way to approach the problem, learn from your mistakes and improve your skill with said games. I think video could encourage a growth mindset, as it's about learning from your mistakes and becoming a better person. Really interesting article never really thought about fixed or growth mindsets before. I hadn't even heard the term before either ! The next article is called " Why is it so hard to hear Negative Feedback ?  " and this was less so interesting. The article was about how to give and receive N...

Game Brainstorm

Since I'm making a game based around the idea of collecting, I based my brainstorming around that since most games have some collecting element around them. A meme about Video game and items taken from  here The first game is Sims 3, the Sims is base around the idea of collecting items to stay alive and to profit. Your Sim collect food to survive, you collect money to buy new object and etc. I bring up Sims 3 in peculiar because it's the sims' game I've played the most, but base on my play through on Sims 4 both game do have a gem, metal and bug collecting skills, which allows the player's Sims to collect rarer items. Now while a Sims style game may be out of my skill, it's more goofy yet relaxing game play may not be.  Learn More about Sims 3 The second game is Bioshock 2, Bioshock 1 had the player collect 'Adam' a valuable yet rare currency that improve the player and was only collectible through a morality system with the little sisters. Howev...

Unity Tutorial 01

Play testing what I have learn today, photo taken by me. Today, I started to learn how to use Unity and some basic C# coding via Jimmy Vegas' videos  (video 001-003). I learn a lot today, one being I don't have a visual studio licence and so can't run visual studio. Thank god I learnt that Notepad++ can do C# and that I still have Notepad++ on my laptop. The coding is a bit hard for me to warp my head around but I think after some practise, I'll have a better understanding of C#. As for Unity, it's interesting software, I'm finding the whole moving the camera the hardest bit as most games use left click to move the camera or pick stuff up. So I keep left clicking and wondering why I've deselected the object. Also the arrows that are suppose to appear on selected object won't appear for me, so I need to figure out why because it's really annoying me.  Overall I'm having fun with Unity, making terrain, planting trees and playing god, rem...

Game Design

I read a reading titled "What is a game, anyway ?" and I agree with many of the points raise. The biggest point I agree with is that a game does not take programming skills, impressive graphics or excellent modelling and there's many examples of this. One example is 'Shenmue', a game that had all of this but severally under preform and was unable to save it's publisher 'Sega' from becoming a third party company. 'Shenmue' Original cover artwork, taken from  Wikipedia   The question of what is a game is and what is not, is an interesting one. If we believe 'Switch' is a game then can we believe 'Call of duty' a game too ? The reading offers great terminology and explain the confusion of what a game is, which I agree with too. 'Shenmue' creator, Yu Suzuki, call it a "Free" game, however in present time 'Shenmue' is refer to as a "open world" game. I read this as well:  What is a game, an...